Elliott has overall responsibility for producing our printed scores, and works with our typesetters and musicologists to make our scores as reliable and as beautiful as possible. He regularly battles with his mortal enemy: the awkward page turn. He also writes for OV Opinion.
When not working for OV, Elliott is a composer of contemporary classical music. He worked for four years in the independent sector of secondary education before returning to higher education to study composition as a postgraduate in 2020. He is also a freelance programme note writer for the BBC Proms.
I’m from the North East of England, and studied music at St Cuthbert’s Society, Durham, and Queens’ College, Cambridge. I’m now studying for a Master’s at the Royal Academy of Music.
I’m primarily a composer, but am also a conductor, pianist, baritone, and secret guitarist and bassist.
Post-war European (post)modernism: late Britten, Ligeti and the spectralists. Seventeenth-century sacred polyphony. Classic rock, Dylan, Beatles, Springsteen and The Smiths.
When singing in a chapel choir in Cambridge, I acquired the nickname ‘Urtext’ on account of my relentless dedication to good-quality editions.
Web: elliottpark.co.uk. Facebook: @elliottparkcomposer. Twitter: @eparkmusic.