OV Opinion OV Opinion is Olsen Verlag's digital magazine on classical music. Find out more ARTICLE There’s no reason to avoid the term ‘classical music’ It’s by no means perfect, but we don’t need to shy away from it ARTICLE Music education shouldn’t produce fiddler crabs ARTICLE Wagner's album leaf for Fürstin Metternich ARTICLE Some badasses in classical music you probably don't know: Part I ARTICLE My baby (grand) and I ARTICLE How I overcame my hatred of Mozart ARTICLE Falla's Homenaje: a blessing and a curse ARTICLE The environmental impact of string instruments ARTICLE Welcome to OV Opinion ARTICLE The sociability of the violin section ARTICLE The two lives of Haydn’s ‘Kaiserlied’ ARTICLE The worst orchestra in the world ARTICLE What actually happens when you finish your music degree? ARTICLE Should I delete my Spotify account? ARTICLE Youtube child genius bullshit